What is Cloud Storage? The Pros and Cons That Can Help You Select Cloud Storage Providers

Data is an integral part of any business. No matter your industry, data security and accessibility are crucial when it comes to a company’s success. That’s why the IT world has strived to make data storage safer and more efficient- enter, cloud storage.

Regular people like you and I store information in the cloud everyday—no problem. You may not even realize the extent to which you already utilize it. But what about businesses?

Cloud Data Storage for Business

When it comes to corporate cloud data storage, we’re talking about businesses that store data in the cloud instead of on a local server or a personal hard drive.

What You Can Expect from Cloud Data Storage

Cloud storage services manage servers in massive data centers. Information is then made available to a client from anywhere that has an internet connection.

The provider maintains, backs up, and encrypts the data to help reduce the demand on in-house IT departments. Cloud storage services offer convenient ease of access without the worry of physical hardware.

You have probably seen cloud storage used in your everyday work environment. Examples of cloud storage providers include Dropbox, Microsoft One Drive, and iCloud. 

What are the advantages of Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage has changed the way that businesses run and store their data. Every year, more and more companies are taking advantage of cloud storage for their business.

Our team of IT professionals created a pros and cons list to help determine if cloud storage is a right fit for you and your company.

The Pros of Cloud Storage:

Use Only What You Need

Cloud storage offers an alternative to a physical in-house server, which reduces the cost of storage devices needed on-site.

Businesses that use cloud services can increase storage capacity while also reducing the cost of maintenance.

Scalability is cheaper and more accessible. If you ever need an increase in storage, cloud services have options to scale up without new servers.

Access Your Data from Anywhere

Over the last decade, there has been a drastic increase in people working from home.

Cloud services offer access to data from anywhere that has an internet connection.

Enhanced Data Security for the Entire Company

One of the reasons why businesses use cloud storage is the level of security. Security is a vital component of data storage. Because providers store data for many users, they offer an extra layer of enhanced security.

Cloud services also conduct regular back-ups of the hosted data to simplify restoration.

Real-time Updates

Cloud storage constantly syncs and updates, so all data is always up to date. In a business setting, these real-time updates are incredibly beneficial for team collaborations.

The Cons of Cloud Storage:

Completely Dependent on a Secure Internet Connection

One downside to cloud storage is that the internet is essential to access your files. If there is a situation that someone is without internet, they will be unable to access their files.

cloud storage secure internet connection

Privacy Concerns

When using a cloud provider, the data is no longer in your business’s physical storage. This feature of cloud storage causes some ambiguity about the responsibility for the stored data. If there is a breach of this sensitive data, the lines are a bit blurry of who claims responsibility.

Potential Lack of Support from the Provider

Depending on the cloud service provider, support can vary. Support can be very poor, especially if using a free version of cloud storage.  If there is an issue, you may have to rely on tech support to find a resolution.

Random Downtimes

Cloud storage can go down for many reasons, whether it’s maintenance, heavy traffic, or a cyber-attack. Unfortunately, the user will be without access until the provider can resolve the issue.

Final Thoughts on Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is a beneficial tool for personal and business. Like any tool, there are advantages and disadvantages to using cloud storage.

Whatever you choose for your company, managing cloud storage can be a daunting task. It is beneficial to have a team that can help- that’s where we come in. Learn more about how the Digital Operating Solutions IT team can assist you with Cloud Storage.

Picture of Amber Briggs

Amber Briggs

Amber Briggs has served 8 years in a corporate IT role. She assists users in troubleshooting hardware and software, implementing and maintaining network hardware and software, and writes process documentation for end-users and other company members. Amber has previously worked as a Junior Systems Admin for many companies, including Doctors Making Housecalls, Carillon Assisted Living, and Custom Communications Inc. She also has experience working as a Technical Support Agent at Citrix. She holds a degree in professional writing and is currently studying computer science and information studies at Houston Community College. Amber has many hobbies outside of work, including art and graphic design, surfing, gardening, gym, video games, going to the gym, and skateboarding.

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